Doc White

Praying for Salmon

Praying for Salmon Doc.jpg



Doc White captures a brown bear deep in prayer: 

Lordie, when are those salmon gonna start runnin’…  


Humpback June .jpg

Much excitement surrounds the sporadic spotting of humpbacks as we make way from Hoonah to Sitka, Alaska.

Doc reports seeing many large cruise ships enroute to Sitka, perhaps the busy passages send the whales to less trafficked areas.   Stay tuned, the salmon will be runnin’ soon….

The Great Bear Rainforest

In the heart of the Great Bear Sea, Glendale Cove, British Columbia:

…Doc spots a couple of grizzly bears on the beach so we launch the big tender Louisa. We head in their direction while Chris (the skipper) remains on board to keep an eye on the anchor in the strong wind. One of the bears, a young male, continues grazing on sedge grass and pays little attention to us, allowing us to approach quite close as we take numerous photos and video.

                      Tony Fleming's Logbook 5.17.18 | Doc White Photo

Casting Off!!

We're off again, this time on our film/book project:
Baja to Bering, The 12,000 NM Whale Migration Baja California to the Bering Sea, Alaska.

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